Eco-Sys Action
The world of Boopy
Boopy's Blog
Eco-Sys Action Football Cup PDF Presentation  |
Even though Malala Yousafzai did not receive the much deserved 2013 Nobel Peace Prize, she has changed the world. The entire planet finally recognises the power of youth. Malala has made an immense contribution to education, an important engine of development, and the environment, a vital factor in the fight against poverty. She has made more of a difference, while risking her life, in a few months, than all governments and large organizations have in several decades. I wish you a great 2014, full of health and energy and let's hope the world listens a bit more to the simple, powerful message of children.
Boopy and Eco-Sys Action sponsored a photography competition on birds in Indonesia, launched by Burung Nusantara. This idea was born after Martin Williams, president of Hong Kong Outdoors and passionate ornithologist, returned from Indonesia with the feeling that forests were becoming increasingly silent, a confirmation of Boopy's sentiment. Besides the terrible deforestation ravaging Indonesia, many birds are killed for local consumption or captured for the pet trade. The competition had two categories, one for the best photo taken with a telephoto lens and the other for those taken with a mobile phone. A great success and some beautiful pictures that you can view here.
Boopy and Eco-Sys Action helped Alive & Kicking design these magnificent "elephant" balls. These balls are sold in several African countries in order to generate funds for Alive & Kicking, a remarkable social enterprise that manufactures balls in Kenya, Ghana and Zambia. With important messages about health (malaria, AIDS, etc..) and the environment (the fight against the ivory trade), Alive & Kicking balls are one of the bases of the Eco-Sys Action Football Cup. |
Awely has awarded the Jean-Marc Vichard Award for Conservation and Development to Tito Indrawan of Gunung Palung Orangutan Conservation Program in Indonesia. A great champion at the heart of the issues of our planet. A huge congratulations to Awely and Amneville Zoo for this wonderful initiative and this beautiful tribute to Jean-Marc Vichard. |
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