Eco-Sys Action
The world of Boopy
Eco-Sys Action Football Cup PDF Presentation

A connected world
The internet revolution, new social media, smartphones; our planet has never “turned” so fast! Unfortunately, it has also never been so abused as it is today.
A “helping wing” from a little eco-detective sparrow will reveal how everything is linked. The economic development of a number of countries, China in particular, is beyond imagination. Chinese consumption is sky-rocketing, leading to an enormous threat on biodiversity. Read More
 This year, ECO-SYS ACTION will be renewing its partnership with Action for Cheetahs in Kenya. The programme; several hundred trees will be planted, students from five schools will be educated on the importance of cheetah survival in their region, Salama, university bursaries will be awarded to several students, and a big soccer tournament will be held in December at the same time as a poster campaign on the initial responses necessary to save young children suffering from diarrhea. These projects will be reported on in future newsletters. To see the entire project, click here. |
 All the drawings in the touching story “My Elephant Neighbour” were created by ECO-SYS ACTION for the association DES ELEPHANTS ET DES HOMMES and its remarkable program in Burkina Faso which promotes coexistence between humans and elephants. ECO-SYS ACTION has also taken on translating the story into English and Chinese for greater circulation. Don't miss visiting www.mon-voisin-elephant.net and pass the information on to schools so they can become associated with the project.  |
 Moon bears had the place of honour at the Eco-Sys Action Football Cup organized by the China Club Football in Beijing. While the ECO-SYS ACTION stand presented many different species in need of conservation(see one of the posters here), that of the Animals Asia Foundation emphasised the protection of this magnificent animal to the almost one thousand children present. Thousands of Moon bears spend their lives in minuscule cages under horrific conditions so that their bile can be extracted to be used in certain drinks or medicines.
 Paris to Cape Town by tandem with Adeline and Olivier, another of Boopy's unusual adventures, meeting the children and wildlife of Africa. Eighteen months, 17 countries, full of surprises to discover at Boopy and the Tandafrika. .
Don’t miss an exceptional book by Olivier Godin that will soon be available. This beautiful present full of discoveries, humanity, determination, and humour can be found at www.tandafrika.com .
A long walk to help children fighting cancer.
Not long ago, Boopy joined his friend Thusitha Ranasinghe in Sri Lanka for an extraordinary project. Thusitha manages a company that transforms elephant dung into paper products. This time Boopy flew to Sri Lanka as a sponsor and travel companion for a walk traversing the country to raise funds for the construction of a pediatric cancer ward. Read more.
 Thanks to its license Eco-6 Plush Toys, BOOPY and ECO-SYS ACTION have been able to donate 200 whale shark stuffed toys to ECOCEAN, an organization based in Australia that studies whale sharks. In this way, Brad Norman, director and whale shark specialist, was able to find an additional source of financing. In an everyone wins marketing strategy, he now purchases from ECO-6 at cheap price. Learn more about ECO-SYS ACTION's whale shark project.
Next month, don't miss the puppet show financed by ECO-SYS ACTION in D.R. Congo within the framework of the AWELY bonobo program.