Grameen Bank Dialogue, Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2008
With a 2009 target to launch its micro-credit program in Kenya, Eco-Sys Action was selected to attend the Grameen Bank Dialogue in Dhaka, Bangladesh and was represented by its president, Christian Pilard.
Presided by Nobel Peace Prize winner and father of micro-credit Pr Muhammad Yunus, the workshop was attended by 24 people from Sierra Leone, Ghana, Sudan, Tanzania, Germany, Indonesia and India. The theory was explained in Dhaka while a practical approach took place in Boalkali near Chittagong in the southeast of the country.
The system defined by the Grameen Bank enables millions of people to get the necessary funds to come out of poverty. Thousands of meeting centers are scattered around the country with a pyramidal organization up to Dhaka headquarters.
It was a remarkable time that will greatly help Eco-Sys Action set up its own micro-credit fund to assist communities without creating dependency.
During the opening ceremony, Christian Pilard gave the beautiful Eco-Sys Action & United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) Baobab of Life trophy to Pr Muhammad Yunus as a tribute to his action for the poor.