Jarkarta, Indonesia
a shark cemetery at the International airport. It’s not only the forests that are destroyed. The sea is also over exploited and abused at every level. This shop is a striking example. Those about 100 sharks here have an estimated value of 10,800 usd. Alive they worth over 2 million usd for eco-tourism (study made by the Australian Institute of Marine Science). Let’s take time to reflect on this…
Jarkarta, Indonesia
Here is Jakarta, Indonesia, an urban area of 23 millions people at the heart of magnificent country which is however losing its forests at the highest rate in the world (over 2.5 millions hectares a year and over 40% in the last 50 years). It’s a complete ecological disaster especially with tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, oran-utangs, gibbons, etc… fighting for their survival. Children are the only hope and it is sooo urgent to educate this new generation before it’s too late! A race against time…