Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India
Babu, the head of the rehabilitation center animal care department introduces me to the huge work done by HURO PROGRAMME for the conservation of the West Hoolock gibbon.
This reintroduction program takes several years as it takes time for the primates to find back the natural behaviour compulsory for its survival. Forests around the project are also survey in order to know if the gibbons can safely be reintroduced there.
It takes a high amount of work and passion always with close ties to the the local community and a no 1 goal of protecting the surrounding environment.

Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India
Nothing can compare with spending several days deep into the forest. I even lost count of the days !
My gibbon friends are amazing. « Acrobats of the forest » is a perfect name for them. Their sense of balance remains a mystery. With them I flew up to the limits of their natural habitat where the cultures start and kieep on encroaching on their territory.
High adrenaline also when we met poachers. Fortunately they did not find us. Gibbon meat or for the pet trade is sadly very popular.
Gibbons are also great vocalists. No need any alarm clock in the morning ! How can we imagine this forest without the fine tune of their voice ?
Back now at the rehabilitation center and we will soon tour the facility and witness of the magnificient work done by the team of
Huro Programme

Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India
What a nice and relax week-end before flying around the forest tomorrow !
But here is the big news for Betsy, "Silsotchigre wildlife medium english school"’s Principal, and the kids : ECO-SYS ACTION is going to finance part of the school’s structure including :
- a medical check up for every kid,
- the financing of health care and related accessories like glasses,
- the purchase of educative material in order to set up an eco-library.
So much joy around but I will hold another surprise until the end of my stay.
Chat to you soon !
Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India
This school is located near the Nokrek National Park in the Western Garo Hills in the State of Meghalaya, India. It’s the most humid place in the world but today we have a beautiful sunny weather !
HURO PROGRAMME has established a sanctuary for the Western Hoolock gibbon here. They have also fully understood that this generation of kids is key to the future of not only the gibbons but also the forest and the local eco-system.
kids going to school thanks to gibbons and who later will help those monkeys. That’s the way I see successful conservation ! That’s also the reason why I travel so much and this is what ECO-SYS ACTION is all about.
I will rest this week-end and I hope you too ! But Monday there will be a big news for the school. In the meantime you can go and check the work of Florian and the HURO team here.

Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India
Today it’s a privilege to meet Betsy, the Principal of the Silsotchigre Wildlife Medium english school and all my little friends. More info tomorrow on how the Huro Programme gibbon’s project help the school.
Here are the "acrobats of the forest"!

India (by flight)
Before I reach my destination, let’s learn a few things about the gibbons we are going to visit. The western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) is found in North-East India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This monkey lives in dense forests and eat fruits, leaves and shoots. Habitat encroachment, forest destruction and poaching are the main threats.
In the last 50 years, over 90% of their population has disappeared down from 100,000 to only 5,000 individuals! If India does not want to lose its biggest monkey it has to act quickly and swiftly. But where I am flying now there are quite a few positive surprises!
Madhya Pradesh, India
The other threat to owl is not rural but urban. Harry Potter is blamed for fuelling India owls' demise. Many fans of the boy wizard have bought owls on the illegal wildlife trade market as a fashion symbol. Here also there is much information to spread around about keeping owls in the wild.
It's time now to leave to the North-Eastern forests inhabited by gibbons. but not before a fond farewell to Mohammed, sparrows and bird's best friend (
Madhya Pradesh, India
Unfortunately, what has happened to this owl was not rare. Thousands of owls are captured every year in India, mostly for black magic and sorcery driven by superstition mostly in rural areas. This illegal trade is all the more important in the weeks leading to Diwali, the festival of lights, where so many birds are sacrficied.
With Mohammed, we are thinking about a major project on protecting those nocturnal birds who are so important to the eco-system as they for instance kills rodents and other pests that destroy crops. But there is also another threat to owls in India...
Madhya Pradesh, India
Streets are so busy here but still we are able to reach the temple on time. As we have been told, a man stands there with a captured owl, he is a shaman called a tantrik. After discussing with the man, the latter has no choice but to give away his pet owl to Mohammed. Transfered in a refuge, the owl will hopefully be reintroduced in a nearby forest if all is well. But is this an isolated case?
Madhya Pradesh, India
Before reaching Programme Huro on gibbon conservation in North-East India, I need to urgently meet my friend Mohammed Dilawar of the Nature Forever Society . An investigation on the illegal owl trade lead him a temple nearby.
March 20, 2012, Happy World Sparrow Day !

More info
Bangalore, India, March 2011
World Sparrow Day 2011
On March 20, 2011 a number of schools and associations (including the RSPB in the UK and a number of Birdlife partners) have organised activities in over 15 countries like Hong Kong and Madagascar. The event has reached a whole new level and Boopy is counting on each of you to take action for these birds on this symbolic day or on any other day.
Here are a few events that have taken place on World Sparrow Day :
Boopy and Eco-Sys Action presented an exposition on the birds of Hong Kong to the students of Hong Lok Yuen International School in Hong Kong and the International College of Hong Kong. Numerous posters illustrated the most symbolic birds of the region. Nature is everywhere in Hong Kong and many ecosystems are concentrated in a very small region. This event spotlighted birds living not only in the urban areas, but also living in the marshes, the mangrove, the sea, and the forests of Hong Kong. The students created badges and magnets while learning to appreciate the ornithological richness of Hong Kong; on the road to school, on campus and in their own backyards

The official ceremony for World Sparrow Day took place this year in Bangalore, India at Wipro Technologies Electronic City campus. Wipro, one of the largest information technology services providers in the world, understands the importance of common birds in an urban setting as an indicator of a city's health.
Mohammed Diliwar, with a little help from Boopy, presented the situation of the sparrows in India to Wipro employees during two conferences and responded live to their questions on Facebook and Twitter. Sparrow watching was also organized in the largest park in the city.

Members of the Patna ECO Task Force College, India, have organised a bird watching activity a few days before World Sparrow Day.

New Delhi, India, March 2010
World Sparrow Day 2010
The launch of this incredible adventure open to children as well as adults took place March 20, 2010 in New Delhi, India, in the presence of government representatives, including Dr. Sheila Dikshit, Chief Minister of Delhi, non-governmental organizations, researchers, students, nature lovers, and a number of journalists.
Bristol, UK: celebration at the Avon Wildlife Trust.
- Hundreds of people reported their sparrow sightings and started blogs to share their sparrow experiences, what they represent, etc.
- Organization of the "Festival of Feather" to encourage people to build and put up house sparrow terraces.
Modena, Italy: Lipu-Birdlife conference
- A conference on house sparrows as an indicator of the health of the urban environment.
Nashik, Maharashtra, India: Rangubai Junnare English Medium School
- Installation of bird feeders and nesting boxes at the school.
- Drawing competition.
Patna, Bihar, India: Patna Women's College, Eco-Task Force
- Formation of a human chain holding signs and banners.
- Distribution of more than a thousand information pamphlets.
- Examples of bird feeding.
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India: Parijatham Trust
- Sparrow songs composed by the poet Bharathiyar were sung by students from many different schools.
- Drawing competition.
Kothapurinatham, Puducherry, India: Government Middle School
- Clay sparrow exhibit.
- Nesting box building.
- Sparrow poem reading.
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India: Asian Wildlife Foundation
- Photo and painting competition with the presentation of bird houses and certificates as prizes.
- Conference on "the sparrow in an urban environment.
East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, India: Kriya, Mallam Village High School
- Campaign of bird awareness and protection.
- Classroom conferences.
- Photo competition in the village by the students.
Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India: Manjoor Taluka
- Procession of students in the city in order to demonstrate the decline of sparrows and what can be done to help them
(pamphlets distributed to more than 700 people).
- Campagne de sensibilisation des élèves et des représentants des villages voisins.
Goa, Panaji, India: Mission Green
- Public bird watching.
Chattisgarh, Raipur, India: Chattisgarh Wildlife Society
- Local and international media publication of the reason for the disappearance of the sparrow in the region, principally because of a
massacre for its meat which is mistakenly considered to be an aphrodisiac.
Jaipur, Rajastan, India: Bhavani Child Development Center
- Drawing competitions by learning disabled children at the center.
- Réalisation d’exposés sur les moineaux et explications au public.
Junagadh, Gujarat, India: Prakruti Nature Club
- Creation of cardboard nesting boxes by the students.
- Increased awareness about the sparrow situation.
- Drawing competition.
- Cultural program (songs, dances) with a sparrow theme.
Junagadh, Gujarat, India: Karuna International
- An entire week dedicated to sparrow awareness.
- Drawing and essay competitions.
- Bird identification field trip.
- Nesting box fabrication.
- Numerous lectures by the students on “The Importance of Birds,” “Our Flying Friends,” and “Birds and the Environment.
Vadodara, Gujarat, India: Canine Group Association
- Distribution of nesting boxes and awareness campaigns in different parts of the city.