Exposition "beware, fragile sea" in Grand Aquarium of St Malo, France, June 2005.
Eco-Sys Action teamed up with the Association Mer Fragile, working on the exhibit details such as shark conservation posters and financing all the posters to create a summer of awareness to the aquarium's visitors. Hundreds of signatures were also collected for shark conservation in French Polynesia and sent to the authorities there via the action of Longitude 181 Nature of François and Veronique Sarano.

The exhibition focused on the poor state of the seas and the simple things we can do to help protect our oceans, clean up our beaches and be responsible for our marine environment. Local schools participated in several concrete actions and kids were taught about their role in that ecosystem.
A Spanish short documentary called The Sea Belongs to Everyone was also given by Eco-Sys Action to the hosting organization for screening in the aquarium's main hall.
Recycled Eco-6 products were also sold at the aquarium shop.
Celebrate the Sea, Singapore, June 2005
This year, "Celebrate the Sea" has settled down in Singapore and Eco-Sys Action was once again the main sponsor. Emphasis was on shark conservation and the public was welcomed by an Eco-Sys Action cartoon exhibit with "Reefy, the little shark of the oceans" (see story) and a huge resin shark sculpture that was offered to the Ocean N Environment Foundation for their ongoing awareness campaign. World-famous biologist Sylvia Earle and acclaimed National Geographic photographer-in-residence David Doubilet were present and warmly congratulated the Eco-Sys Action team for their continuing efforts on shark conservation education. They received an Eco-Sys Action marine crystal which they enjoy very much (see the full collection). As usual, the drawing contest was one of the highlights of the gathering and the kids left with a happy smile with their Eco-6 gift.