







Singapour for a few stop over between Indonesia and the Poh Kao project in Cambodia. I wanted to check this rather small but informative tiger exhibit at the entrance of the Night Safari.


In a few posters, we understand the critical state of the tiger in the world. Less than 3,500 wild tigers survive in Asian forests. One third of all tiger’s sub-species has disappeared including the Bali tiger (1937) and the Java tiger (80’s) in Indonesia with only the Sumatra tiger remaining there (with an estimated population below 500).


In Singapore, the last tiger was killed on October 26, 1930 and only 500 tigers are still roaming the forests of nearby Malaysia. The trip to Cambodia will surely confirm this sharp decline.






Jarkarta, Indonesia


a shark cemetery at the International airport. It’s not only the forests that are destroyed. The sea is also over exploited and abused at every level. This shop is a striking example. Those about 100 sharks here have an estimated value of 10,800 usd. Alive they worth over 2 million usd for eco-tourism (study made by the Australian Institute of Marine Science). Let’s take time to reflect on this…






Jarkarta, Indonesia


Here is Jakarta, Indonesia, an urban area of 23 millions people at the heart of magnificent country which is however losing its forests at the highest rate in the world (over 2.5 millions hectares a year and over 40% in the last 50 years). It’s a complete ecological disaster especially with tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, oran-utangs, gibbons, etc… fighting for their survival. Children are the only hope and it is sooo urgent to educate this new generation before it’s too late! A race against time…




Hong Kong


Sai Kung, Hong Kong : here is a simple yet efficient eco-action that benefits our oceans.
Click here to Download Boopy-Save Our Seas PPS.


Hong Kong


Bye bye Silsotchirgre ! I am on my way to Hong Kong for a simple yet meaningful message that I will show you tomorrow.. Have you noticed World Ocean Day ? Here is « the se ais for everyone », a video by Imagenes en Azul. Thanks to the kids that participated to  this cry for hope. Don’t miss it :



Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India


Babu, the head of the rehabilitation center animal care department introduces me to the huge work done by HURO PROGRAMME for the conservation of the West Hoolock gibbon.


This reintroduction program takes several years as it takes time for the primates to find back the natural behaviour compulsory for its survival. Forests around the project are also survey in order to know if the gibbons can safely be reintroduced there.


It takes a high amount of work and passion always with close ties to the the local community and a no 1 goal of protecting the surrounding environment.



Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India


Nothing can compare with spending several days deep into the forest.  I even lost count of the days !


My gibbon friends are amazing. « Acrobats of the forest » is a perfect name for them. Their sense of balance remains a mystery. With them I flew up to the limits of their natural habitat where the cultures start and kieep on encroaching on their territory.


High adrenaline also when we met poachers. Fortunately they did not find us. Gibbon meat or for the pet trade is sadly very popular.


Gibbons are also great vocalists. No need any alarm clock in the morning ! How can we imagine this forest without the fine tune of their voice ?


Back now at the rehabilitation center and we will soon tour the facility and witness of the magnificient work done by the team of Huro Programme



Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India


What a nice and relax week-end before flying around the forest tomorrow !


But here is the big news for Betsy, "Silsotchigre wildlife medium english school"’s Principal, and the kids : ECO-SYS ACTION is going to finance part of the school’s structure including :


- a medical check up for every kid,

- the financing of health care and related accessories like glasses,

- the purchase of educative material in order to set up an eco-library.


So much joy around but I will hold another surprise until the end of my stay.

Chat to you soon !


Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India


This school is located near the Nokrek National Park in the Western Garo Hills in the State of Meghalaya, India. It’s the most humid place in the world but today we have a beautiful sunny weather !


HURO PROGRAMME has established a sanctuary for the Western Hoolock gibbon here. They have also fully understood that this generation of kids is key to the future of not only the gibbons but also the forest and the local eco-system.


kids going to school thanks to gibbons and who later will help those monkeys. That’s the way I see successful conservation ! That’s also the reason why I travel so much and this is what ECO-SYS ACTION is all about.


I will rest this week-end and I hope you too ! But Monday there will be a big news for the school. In the meantime you can go and check the work of Florian and the HURO team here.



Silsotchigre, Meghalaya, India


Today it’s a privilege to meet Betsy, the Principal of the Silsotchigre Wildlife Medium english school and all my little friends. More info tomorrow on how the Huro Programme gibbon’s project help the school.



Here are the "acrobats of the forest"!


ARKive video - Western hoolock gibbon - overview


India (by flight)


Before I reach my destination, let’s learn a few things about  the gibbons we are going to visit.  The western hoolock gibbon (Hoolock hoolock) is found in North-East India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This monkey lives in dense forests and eat fruits, leaves and shoots. Habitat encroachment, forest destruction and poaching are the main threats.


In the last 50 years, over 90% of their population has disappeared down from 100,000 to only 5,000 individuals! If India does not want to lose its biggest monkey it has to act quickly and swiftly. But where I am flying now there are quite a few positive surprises!




Madhya Pradesh, India


The other threat to owl is not rural but urban. Harry Potter is blamed for fuelling India owls' demise. Many fans of the boy wizard have bought owls on the illegal wildlife trade market as a fashion symbol. Here also there is much information to spread around about keeping owls in the wild.

It's time now to leave to the North-Eastern forests inhabited by gibbons. but not before a fond farewell to Mohammed, sparrows and bird's best friend (http://www.ecosysaction.org/world-sparrow-day/).



Madhya Pradesh, India


Unfortunately, what has happened to this owl was not rare. Thousands of owls are captured every year in India, mostly for black magic and sorcery driven by superstition mostly in rural areas. This illegal trade is all the more important in the weeks leading to Diwali, the festival of lights, where so many birds are sacrficied.

With Mohammed, we are thinking about a major project on protecting those nocturnal birds who are so important to the eco-system as they for instance kills rodents and other pests that destroy crops. But there is also another threat to owls in India...




Madhya Pradesh, India


Streets are so busy here but still we are able to reach the temple on time. As we have been told, a man stands there with a captured owl, he is a shaman called a tantrik. After discussing with the man, the latter has no choice but to give away his pet owl to Mohammed. Transfered in a refuge, the owl will hopefully be reintroduced in a nearby forest if all is well. But is this an isolated case?




Madhya Pradesh, India


Before reaching Programme Huro on gibbon conservation in North-East India, I need to urgently meet my friend Mohammed Dilawar of the Nature Forever Society http://natureforever.org/ . An investigation on the illegal owl trade lead him a temple nearby.


Doha, Qatar


It's time to go now but not before sharing ideas with my friends here and explaining how fragile the sea is.




Doha, Qatar


Qatar has a very healthy marine life. Whale Sharks are regularly observed along its coasts.





Doha, Qatar


Among the most emblematic animals in Qatar, the Arabian oryx is probably the most incredible one. In 1972 the last wild oryx were killed in Oman. Fortunately the Phoenix zoo in USA bred a few Arabian oryx and finally reintroduced some in the Arabian peninsula. Today there are about 1,000 wild oryx and 7,000 semi-free oryx like the ones in Al Shahaniya near Doha. Poaching remains high on the wild population especially in Oman.



Doha, Qatar


Stop over in Qatar, this mostly desertic emirate on the Persian Gulf coast is the home of a great fauna and flora. It also has the highest per capita carbone dioxide emissions in the world, three times higher that USA's; and also a huge per capita water consumption. Mostly focused on fishing in the old days this part of the world has become one of the most powerful oil and natural gas producer on the planet. Doha, its capital, looks like a huge construction site. Amazing! And so hot here !





By flight


I have just been informed that Eco-Sys Action had joined the Antarctic Ocean Alliance (www.antarcticocean.org) in order to protect this fantastic yet so fragile eco-system.



By flight


What have you done for Earth Day? It's a bit like our Planet's birthday. In fact it is just another day and it's every day that we must make a difference. In the meantime, you can check One Day On Earth at http://fr.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=one+day+on+earth+.org


Africa (by flight)


I am now flying to India for new adventures in the country of gibbons, but I would like to leave you with the story “My Elephant Neighbour” in Chinese so you can pass it on to your friends in China.  If Chinese children discover who elephants are, perhaps they will ask their families to stop buying ivory.  This will make Jabu and the rest of his elephant friends very happy!  There are only 8000 elephants left in West Africa, in fact 7500 after the most recent massacres in Cameroon this year!  Don't hesitate to share this document with everyone you know, the story in Chinese can be found at here.
 Thanks and see you soon!


Boromo, Burkina Faso


Today I must leave, but not without passing by the school.  The children had extraordinary dreams, beautiful dreams.  Today I hear a child say, “my elephant friends.”  The monster with the huge ears no longer exists and these children have become highly motivated ambassadors to their families and friends.  For more than ten years Julien and www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org have brought over 3000 children to see the elephants and the mentality is changing in the Boucle du Mouhoun Region, also encouraged by different revenue generating projects that have been progressively put in place.  It is necessary to save the forest! 


I have also brought some good news for Julien.  Eco-Sys Action (www.ecosysaction.org) has decided to finance the training of several people to the valorization of the medicinal plants of Deux Balés forest.  These tradi-pratictioners will learn to better collect, condition, and market the medicinal plants of the forest.  The forest is then transformed into an enormous pharmacy that is vital to preciously protect. 


See you soon friends and BOOPY POWER! 


Deux Balés National Park, Burkina Faso


Despite their excitement, my little friends are quiet today.  They know know they must not make noise which would frighten the elephants.  Calmly, they get off the bus to walk to the river, hoping to catch a glimpse of their famous “elephant neighbours.”  The river is calm, not an animal on the horizon.  Then suddenly, one of the children can't hold back a half-stifled cry.  “Look!” he says to me.  Yes!  One, then two, then dozens of elephants come out of the river as if by magic and loll about.  What a show!  The children can't believe their eyes.  Their smiles say everything of their joy of discovering this extraordinary animal.  They are hypnotized by these giants.  The baby elephants are also a huge success.  In a low voice, Djénéba explains the elephants' social structure, which is not that different from our own.  Their intelligence as well.  The children are astonished.  They never would have suspected that this fascinating elephant world existed right next to their own.  It is the discovery of their lifetime........
It is time to leave now, but what an incredible day! 


Boromo, Burkina Faso


The night was short and Julien and I talked a lot about the children, their reaction, and the impact this book could have on the future of elephants in the Boucle du Mouhoun region.  There are 160 primary classes who will soon receive these books and the objective is to distribute them in 360 schools.  Thousands of children will benefit from this educational and interactive tool since it is accompanied by teachers' resource material.


What a welcome upon our arrival at the school!  The kids are excited, they have a million questions, commentary, ideas about the book “My Elephant Neighbour.”  It is great to see them so happy.  The monster, the elephant, is now a neighbour that they respect and want to help.  Today Djénéba and Julien have a big surprise for them:  tomorrow, the entire class is going to see elephants in the Deux Balés forest!  The kids dance, sing and scream with joy!  See you tomorrow for an awe-inspiring outing! 


Boromo, Burkina Faso


The children passed on a secret... elephants hate hot pepper too.  Jabu affirmed this.  The plan is to plant hot peppers around farms and to hang them along fences.  Des Elephants & des Hommes (www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org) is full of interesting ideas.  They understand that to help reduce conflicts with elephants and the environment, it is necessary to help the people living close to Deux Balés National Park have an economic and social interest in preserving their region.  If not, elephants will be killed and there will be no forests left.  Revenue generating activities are the future of successful conservation and I fully support these logical initiatives.  Controlled eco-tourism could also be a sustainable solution.  Thanks kids, and see you on Monday in class! 



Boromo, Burkina Faso


It's a big day.  “To protect, it is necessary to understand.” Julien told me yesterday and he is definitely right.  He conceived the story”My Elephant Neighbour” in which the grandmother of a young Noa explains why it is necessary to protect elephants and how Man's destiny and that of elephants is tightly linked.  A beautiful story and this morning we are going to distribute the books illustrated by Eco-Sys Action (www.ecosysaction.org) of which I am the very proud ambassador.  I have also shared this story with you here . Djénéba, the project coordinator, is also here to help.

What excitement!  The kids are super happy and they are finally going to be able to better understand who these big-eared monsters living in the neighbouring forest really are.  I am going to leave them to read this wonderful story in peace and we will meet up here again at the same time tomorrow morning. 


Boromo, Burkina Faso


Today I have a meeting with my little friends Fatoumata and Abdoulaye. They have never seen an elephant, but they know they are dangerous and they are afraid of them.  Last year their parents' field was destroyed one night by a herd of elephants.  Elephants are like monsters for them.  Since, thanks to the activities of Julien (www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org) and local organisations, their village has organised and more closely monitors elephant movement.  Their parents have also accepted to reduce their herd of cows and have started raising cane rats, which lessens their impact on the park, leaving more space to the elephants in their natural environment.  Soon the village will take up bee-keeping to produce a speciality honey that the habitants will be able to sell for a good price. 


What other way to intelligently protect himself?


Deux-Bales National Park, Burkina Faso


There are our elephant friends, majestic as always.  I find them a bit different than those in Botswana, which makes sense since West African elephants could very well be a sub-species.  One more reason to save them!  The elephant population here is estimated to be approximately 300. 


Coexistence with humans is difficult.  As is often the case in Africa and Asia, habitat destruction pushes elephants to traverse agricultural regions that were once their forests.  In a country as poor as Burkina Faso, harvest destruction causes serious problems for farmers who often see elephants as vermin capable of annihilating their meagre revenue at any moment.  They do not realize that by destroying the forest and an often unique local ecosystem, the entire ecology of the region is affected by, for example, reduced rainfall and soil erosion that can be catastrophic in the middle term.  Let's cross the river and return to the village! 






Boromo, Burkina Faso


A few seeds for breakfast and here I am in full conversation with my good friend Julien.  Here, in Burkina Faso, elephants are threatened more by habitat destruction than by poaching.  In West Africa, elephant populations are very fragmented, rendering them more fragile.  There are no corridors between the different forests where they live so movement is limited. 


The NGO Des Elephants & des Hommes (www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org) actively works on the edge of Deux Balés National Park in an attempt to preserve this rapidly receding forest that is also being invaded by neighbouring farmers' livestock.  Lions, hyenas, buffalo, certain antelope, and many other animals have already disappeared from the park.  Let's take a tour! 




Boromo, Burkina Faso


The vegetation is a huge contrast from the swampy Okavango Delta of Botswana.  Burkina Faso is a country threatened from the North by the advancement of the desert.  It is also a country of enormous rivers, and the Boucle du Mouhoun Region, where I arrive, is a forested region as beautiful as it is threatened, bordering the Mouhoun River (Black Volta).  There is Julian waving at me, as always super friendly and relaxed.  We have a thousand things to talk about, but first, I must make a short detour by the village school to say hi to my little friends.




Elephant Island, Botswana


It's time to leave.  I thank Jabu for all his information and have a bit more fun with him and my feathered friends, the francolins, before departing.  Direction Burkina Faso in West Africa to meet Julien and www.deselephantsetdeshommes.org , to the heart of a passionate project.  One last trumpeting from Jabu, trunk in the air, and I am on my way across Africa. 





Elephant Island, Botswana


Yes, the animals were massacred for their ivory tusks which were then shipped to Asia, notably China, to be transformed into decorative objects or jewellery.  The big sad eyes of my friend Jabu say everything about his distress.  After a lull, these past years have been terrible.  A bit everywhere, elephants and rhinoceros have been easy victims for consistently better equipped poachers.  Kenya has also seen numerous massacres.  Ask Ian Douglas-Hamilton at www.savetheelephants.org.  Ninety-five percent of Liberia's elephants have been decimated.  Region after region, country after country, elephants are disappearing because of the demand for ivory. 


Elephant Island, Botswana

Botswana is an elephant paradise and home to the largest elephant population in Africa, but the situation is not as rosy elsewhere.  Before talking seriously with Jabu, we are going to play a bit.  I love diving into his trunk so that he can blow me out.  Too much fun!  Jabu has a huge heart and the elephant situation in Africa (and Asia as well) worries him.  At the end of February and March of this year, at least 500 elephants were massacred at Bouba Ndjida National Park in Cameroon.  Why?  I will let the photo answer...



Elephant Island, Botswana


It didn't take me long to find Jabu.  He is the biggest elephant in the area!  What mass!  I love flying, but on the ground I feel really tiny (logical, since I am tiny!)  Jabu is the best elephant ambassador.  With his elephant friends, Thembi and Morula, he lives at www.livingwithelephants.org where he is in human contact with those who rescued him as an orphaned baby almost 25 years ago.  It is also because of this that he is a wealth of information on the elephant situation in Africa. 






Flying over the Okavango Delta is a delight to the eyes.  Breathtaking Botswana!  The countryside is simply extraordinary.  Rays of sunlight dance on the water to create fireworks of reflections, each more astonishing than the last.  Animals are everywhere in this giant swamp.  And there, on the horizon, my destination:  Elephant Island. 


March 2012, Purple Cake Day


Kids helping kids, a remarkable story of strength and determination, I love http://purplecakeday.org/ . It’s an amazing journey from despair to hope & wonderful positive actions. And a huge « NEVER GIVE UP » lesson.


Emily and Aylahna are so inspirational that I have already turn from orange to purple and hope that you will join this simple yet creative and colourful way to help. Let me know what you have come up with! You will help kids in Haiti and Nepal with the gift of education.


Join the magic of the purple world.  ! BOOPY POWER!



March 20, 2012, Happy World Sparrow Day !

More info


Boopy's joke :


What did the sparrow do when his wings stopped working?
He used his sparrow-chute!


Thanks Lucy for sharing it with me!



March 2012, A Connected World


The internet revolution, new social media, smartphones; our planet has never “turned” so fast! Unfortunately, it has also never been so abused as it is today.


A “helping wing” from a little eco-detective sparrow will reveal how everything is linked. The economic development of a number of countries, China in particular, is beyond imagination. Chinese consumption is sky-rocketing, leading to an enormous threat on biodiversity. Due to an increased demand for medicinal, gastronomic, and luxury decorative products, tigers, panthers, rhinoceros, elephants, bears, turtles, pangolins, etc. (the list is very long) are exterminated. This word is not too extreme when we know that, in Africa, more than one rhinoceros is killed every day. And we haven't even touched on how wood consumption is devastating tropical forests.


It would be easy to put all the blame on the Chinese, except that in France we are living with only a couple of wolves, maybe a dozen bears in the Pyrenees, and the rare lynx. To act sustainably, it is not only important to educate the populations in concerned regions in Africa or Asia, but also to accompany Chinese youth in an environmental dynamic to increase awareness of the impact of their country on the ecological future of our planet. These youth will then be capable of becoming leaders in world conservation, with positive effects in their country as well as the rest of the world.


Eco-Sys Action, of which I am the ambassador, strives to respond to this double necessity. Several projects have been undertaken in this sense. The Eco-Sys Action Football Cup (EAFC) in Beijing which met with great success (see the poster that surprised everyone and resulted in numerous questions from parents and children) is an example. I can assure you that my Chinese friends only ask to learn and to move their country to the front of the environmental scene. Eco-Sys Action also supports a number of projects with organizations that prioritize educational, social, and economic activities, such as Awely, des Eléphants et des Hommes, the Snow Leopard Trust, Action for Cheetahs in Kenya, Lion Guardians, etc.


And new technology? Well, it can help spread positive messages, link projects, and connect activities with youth as a common denominator. It's at this participative speed that a better balance can be reached and several critically endangered species can be saved.



Montreal, Canada, March 2012


For watching this amusing and catchy 5 minute video, you make a donation without spending a cent. Please give it a go, even for a few seconds...



Then pass it on.

This was produced by McGill University staff at the Goodman Cancer Research Center in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. http://cancercentre.mcgill.ca/research/index.php?lang=en

The 3 older gentlemen dancing together, are 3 of the most internationally renowned cancer researchers in the world - names in the credits at end of film clip.

The individual in the leather jacket is the head of the research center at McGill.

For every hit on YouTube, a donation is made to the Research Centre for Cancer Research.


Together, we can make a difference. Boopy Power!


Salama, Kenya, October 2011


The "battle" of the cheetahs


Flying over Salama I don't see much that gives me hope for the survival of cheetahs in Kenya, and yet... During my first visit here more than five years ago the countryside was much more homogeneous, more regular. But the big ranches are disappearing little by little, subdivided by the government, taken over illegally by more and more people searching for new land. Where are the gigantic Euphorbia that I loved to perch on just a few months ago? Cut, like so many other trees.


The Mombasa Highway that cuts through this area is used more frequently since it has been improved and the excessive speed of the cars and trucks that take it make it even more of a hazard. On top of that, the rapid construction of the Malili Technopolis has reduced wildlife habitat.


According to my hardworking friends at Action for Cheetahs in Kenya, who continue their satellite following of the local population, during the past few months, sadly, many cheetahs have been killed while trying to cross the road.


The situation is not much better for the people living here. Drought, like in the entire Horn of Africa, has ravaged a land already weakened by irregular rainfall. Poor water management, increased mono-culture and deforestation do not offer much opportunity to fight the chronic water shortage.


Then why believe in the survival of cheetahs here? Personally, looking at it from my height of a few centimeters, I think that Man's future and that of these beautiful felines are very closely linked to Salama.


The disappearance of cheetahs does not bode well for the local community. It signifies an irreparable damage to the eco-system, with even more soil erosion, a lack of water and progressive desertification. Problems insupportable for families already stricken by difficult conditions.


For cheetahs, if the "Battle of Salama" is lost, their habitat will be further reduced, hill by hill. A scenario that has already been played out in Northern Kenya where people can name the date that the last cheetah was seen. For an animal like the cheetah that can not survive only in national parks because of competition from other predators, it is a race against the clock to stop them from disappearing altogether in Kenya. That race starts here, in Salama.


We must hope that Salama will be able to keep it's role as an ecological corridor and that the children in this quickly evolving region will have the will and assistance necessary to take control of their destiny, here where their parents have failed. We have discussed several possible solutions with the people here, but it is necessary to fight if they are to become a reality and turn against the destructive tendency that reigns.


My cheetah friends confirm that their life in Salama is very stressful and the situation is critical, especially with young to raise. This morning I left one of my little orange feathers next to the youngest cub, Tumaini ("Hope" in Swahili). He played with it and then it floated away, far, towards the people, like a secret message, a SOS.


Donsol, Philippines, June 2011


The world's rarest shark!


I received some astonishing news when I was flying to Donsol, one of the world's whale shark capitals: a megamouth shark (Megachasma pelagios) had been discovered in Mexico, only the 52nd since the first sighting of this mysterious animal in Hawaii in 1976.



Two years ago, number 42 was caught in a fishing net at a depth of 200 meters and was taken to Donsol.  Measuring more than 4 meters long and weighing in at 500kg, it didn't survive it's injuries and was eaten in “kinout,” a local recipe with coconut, sadly, very often using manta ray.  For a meal, which was without doubt one of the rarest in the world, this shark was lost to science.  It was one of the fishermen who told me this remarkable story. 


Little is known about the megamouth shark.  It appears to pass most of it's time at a depth of around 1000 meters and then rise toward the surface to feed on plankton, jellyfish and small fish.  Like  whale sharks and basking sharks, megamouth sharks are filter feeders.  It's name is credited to it's enormous mouth (up to 1.3 meters wide) which is filled with tiny teeth. 


Several symbols surround this very rare take in Donsol.  First of all, it is undeniable that very little is known about the depths of the ocean and the mysterious animals that live there.  It is also proof of the indisciminating damage caused by drift nets on all ocean life.  Whale sharks are too often victims.  On a more positive note, there is no longer any doubt about the richness of sea life in Donsol.  This region possesses an incredible biodiversity that must be conserved, a treasure to protect, and quickly.  The whale sharks are making no mistake when they stop in Donsol during their annual migration. 


It is time to go and tell this story to the students in the schools of Donsol and Sorsogon province.  They don't know much about the marine life in the area surrounding them and in their eyes it is a mystery.  We often only protect what we know! 


A short trip to meet the megamouth shark:

Dinsho, Ethiopia, September 2011


Passion to Live

I lost a few feathers but I could have lost my life!  The dog that started to follow me during a rest stop on the way to Dinsho was out of control, foaming at the mouth, a victim of rabies, a disease that attacks the nervous system of the infected person or animal.  Without immediate treatment death is inevitable.


Rabies?  Many people think it is a disease of the past.  Unfortunately, 55 000 people, many of them children, still die every year due to rabies. 


Ethiopia is not spared, to the contrary,  and has a high mortality rate due to this disease.  One of the most effective methods to counter this atrocious disease is to vaccinate dogs.  Around the world numerous vaccination campaigns are organized in order to contain this disease.  Today, September 28, is Word Rabies Day. 


Do you know the sad difference between Joseph Meister and Ayana Sitota?  Joseph was 9 years old when he was bit by a dog on the way to school in Alsace, France.  He was the first person saved from rabies thanks to Louis Pasteur's new vaccine... in 1885.  Ayana, also 9 years old, did not survive rabies after being attacked close to Goba, Ethiopia, not far from here... in 2011.  A vaccine has existed for 126 years yet children continue to die of rabies. 


In animals, an entire species almost disappeared in 1998, and then again in 2003 and in 2009.  Today there are only around 500 Ethiopian Wolves struggling to survive.  More than 50% were affected by rabies spread by stray dogs.  It took the quick reaction and patience of Claudio Sillero and the team on the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Project to vaccinate the still healthy individuals.  Today the wolf population is in good health but rabies always a risk. 


Every September 28 the children in Dinsho take to the streets to demand the vaccination of dogs and the protection of the Ethiopian Wolf, a natural treasure of Ethiopia.  “Fight rabies together! Dhukkuba saree ni balaaleffanna!” Outside of saving a species, the children are also concerned about their own safety, hoping that one day they will have the same opportunity as young Joseph Meister.



Washington, USA, June 2011


Scubster, from dream to dive.


The astronaut, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, a member of the teams navigating the space shuttles Atlantis and Endeavour, presented the “Innovation Award” to Stephane Rousson and the Scubster team at the 11th International Submarine Race.


Perched on a bridge of the biggest American marine research center, the Carderock Naval Warfare Surface Center, I can only look back on this exciting dive piloted by my friend, Stéphane.  An exceptional moment!


Between Villefranche and Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat, we spent an hour underwater.  It was an artificial basin, but the adrenaline of challenging other submarines from so many other countries and the demonstration of remarkable teamwork will remain a wonderful souvenir.


Propelled by two propellers linked to cranks by a belt, the Scubster can reach up to 8 km/h!  It also flies the colours of Eco-Sys Action since the adventurers of Scubster support our Whale shark project in the Philippines. 


Like with his adventure in a pedal powered balloon, Stéphane Rousson has once again demonstrated that dreams become reality with patience and tenacity, whether they are underwater or aerial. 


Paris, France, April 2011


The Eco-Sys Action Football Cup (EAFC) in Kaw, French Guiana wins the Jean Roland Prize.


This tournament was awarded the Jean Roland prize from the EDF foundation, which each year recognizes an exceptional project created in conjunction with a natural reserve that champions “reconciliation between Man and Nature.”


Valence, France, March 2011


A wink from Jean-Pierre Papin


What an amazing opportunity to meet not only one of the most talented and spectacular players in the football world (54 selections to the French national team, participation in the 1986 World Cup, member of prestigious teams like AC Milan, Marseille, Bordeaux, etc.), but also one with the biggest heart.

With his remarkable association www.9decoeur.org, JPP helps hundreds of children suffering from serious brain injury. A footballer at the service of children! And I love the photo!


Bangalore, Inde, March 2011


World Sparrow Day 2011


On March 20, 2011 a number of schools and associations (including the RSPB in the UK and a number of Birdlife partners) have organised activities in over 15 countries like Hong Kong and Madagascar.  The event has reached a whole new level and Boopy is counting on each of you to take action for these birds on this symbolic day or on any other day.


Here are a few events that have taken place on World Sparrow Day :


Boopy and Eco-Sys Action presented an exposition on the birds of Hong Kong  to the students of Hong Lok Yuen International School in Hong Kong and the International College of Hong Kong.  Numerous posters illustrated the most symbolic birds of the region.  Nature is everywhere in Hong Kong and many ecosystems are concentrated in a very small region.  This event spotlighted birds living not only in the urban areas, but also living in the marshes, the mangrove, the sea, and the forests of Hong Kong.  The students created badges and magnets while learning to appreciate the ornithological richness of Hong Kong; on the road to school, on campus and in their own backyards






Dete, Zimbabwe, February 2011


Providential Painted Dogs


The Painted Dog Conservation Project (PDC), not far from Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, is definitely one of the most successful conservation projects in the world and this visit, with my friend Renaud Fulconis (www.awely.org), is once again proof. 


I will never forget my first visit here and the children who sang about AIDS during the last evening of an incredible bush camp organized by the PDC.


How many 10 to 12 year olds around you talk about AIDS?  In Zimbabwe, sadly, it is a daily reality. This “silent epidemic” most often hits the children hardest, psychologically and often physically.   


For many, AIDS is a disease of the past, but this virus is more dangerous than ever, everywhere and for everyone.  Educate yourselves, talk about it, especially youth.


St Patrick's Hospital and the PDC actively participate in education, distribution of condoms to help prevent the spread of the disease and treatment (antiretroviral therapy).  Early detection is important in order to be able to act and save lives.  Many people, especially women, are encouraged to undergo testing and to speak more freely with others, and to broach a subject that is taboo because it is so dangerous.


What does this have to do with Painted Dogs?  It is finally clear that to help an animal survive is to assure a good balance with the local community.  The benefits to the local population thanks to the presence of Painted Dogs offer enough reasons to save them.  Greg Rasmussen, Peter Blinston, and the entire team of the PDC understand this and actively participate in www.wild4life.org, an admirable program largely supported by the Wildlife Conservation Network (www.wcn.org). 


On the return trip, I thought to myself that one of these children that sang their despair over AIDS during my first visit will, perhaps, be saved by this program, thanks to these providential Painted Dogs.



Ifaty, Madagascar, December 2010


At the Ifaty tournament in Madagascar, a photo alone can summarize the spirit of the Eco-Sys Action Football Cup (EAFC).


An unusual penalty shootout; the spectators form an almost perfect circle around the goal and the players, united by the same emotion on this “football planet”; the fervor mounts, the final will be determined by the final goal; the player will soon approach in the burning hot sand, the ball will fly, too high, too long, he will miss the target; but it is not important, it is the beauty of the sport in a cliché, the victory goes to the tortoises and nature, the weekend, perhaps more. Today, there are only winners.


Lewa, Kenya, November 2010


Sad trip


Stumpy, my friend the Black Rhinoceros, was killed last night.  Savagely massacred by poachers who gave her no chance. After having also injured her one and a half year old baby (who is now doing better), they cut off her horn which will likely be sent to China to be made into powder to be used in traditional Chinese medicine. 


Stumpy was 41 years old and gave birth to eight babies during her life.  She is the third rhinoceros to be killed in Lewa in the past year, the first in the entire history of the reserve.  Proof that 2010 was a terrible year for rhinoceros in Africa. The numbers are unbelievable. The projection is that by the end of the year more than 300 rhinos will be killed in South Africa, practically one a day!  Zimbabwe is also affected and Kenya has had around 20 cases. 


Why?  Because each gram of horn is more expensive than gold!  Chinese demand is increasing and people continue to believe that rhinoceros horn can cure maladies like cancer, which is totally false.  Lewa is going to further reinforce security in this “war of the rhinos,” and continue it's work with the local population. 


It is also crucial to educate the population of China.  In 5 or 10 years there will be even more people that have the financial means to purchase these products and the demand for rhinoceros horn and elephant tusks will increase.  This is a problem that must be attacked from all sides.  As long as the demand is high there will be poachers ready to make some “easy” money. 


Today another Black Rhinoceros was born at Lewa, like a symbol of resilience of a fragile species whose future is in the hands of Man.  In South Africa, many schools have already taken action to “say no to poaching.”  The dream is to have the same type of program in Hong Kong and China.  I can promise you that this dream will become a reality in the coming years, bird's word!   



Sakya, China, October 2010


Hands of hope


Ten thousand hands rising under a magnificent blue sky, 10 000 times more hope for snow leopards.  Perched on one of the prayer flags, a lungta, that are strung everywhere in this area and colour the mountainsides, I help with the promise of the people reunited here during this annual Buddhist festival: protect snow leopards and do not engage in illegal trade of wild animals. 


In the high Tibetan plateaus, this ceremony is welcomed by snow panthers, still victims of poaching for their bones and skin.  The protection of this remarkable animal and it's prey is urgent.  Thanks to the cooperation of the Snow Leopard Trust and the Shan Shui Conservation Center, moments like today are great steps towards better educating the local population. 


China represents 60% of snow leopard habitat between Qinghai, Tibet and Gansu, and is home to close to 40% of the total population.  Interestingly, few Chinese know of their existence and it is rare to find someone who knows that this feline is native to their immense country. 


Now lets imagine 10 000, 10 000 hands lifting in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and throughout the country...; China will become the heart of conservation for snow leopards and other threatened species, with a strong message to the entire world.  Protecting its national treasure will become, little by little, second nature and it is now, with these hands almost touching the sky, that victory is built.  




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