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Christian Pilard
Founder and President of the Eco-Sys Action Foundation

I’ve been stunned by the animal world since my childhood and have always been in close touch with the earth through the press and travels, so it was quite normal that I would come back to those passions.
I graduated from EDC in International Business. I began my professional life in consulting and then in setting up a company in Hong Kong. Staying over 16 years in Asia probably opened my eyes to the true meaning of business, to the incredible development of China and the possible disastrous consequences on forests, species survival and environment in general, and the increasing air pollution.
Fatherhood made me discover kids’ fantastic world and the major role they play in the future of our planet.
Eco-Sys Action is therefore not born by chance or sudden charity but simply with the wish of being a citizen of the world who refuses to take things for granted, and the determination to show that everyone counts, with the ultimate goal to pass on positive actions to the future generation.