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Julien Soone

Julien is a fantastic graffiti artist. In 1995, he launched his own clothing brand, 313 BullrotWear. The brand was to become one of the most respected logos in Europe. Selling in over 15 countries, the brand expanded and grew popular because of its authentic roots, creative designs, and high quality of details.
Eleven years later Julien decided it was time for another label which would fit even more with his own ideas where he could really express himself with the freedom of creation. S2ONE was born and it’s not only about clothing, it's about a different world where values, graphics, and music are all connected.
It's the story of a dream coming true, quite like Eco-Sys Action, where you can create what you have in mind without compromise. It's a brand that always surprises, innovates and pushes the limits, where nothing is impossible.
Julien is also a nature lover who always does his best to support Eco-Sys Action in any way he can. He is currently designing the cover of Eco-6 first music CD.
More information at www.ins2one.com